


Undergraduate Education Program of Ecology (Sino-foreign Cooperative Education Program )



I. Program Objectives

This program aims to cultivate outstanding innovative talents with patriotism, global vision, ecological awareness, humanism accomplishment, scientific spirit, good communication ability and have a broad range of theoretical knowledge and practical skill on ecology, who will be qualified for related fields such as ecological evaluation, biodiversity protection, ecological restoration, Ecological agriculture planning, agricultural ecological protection, agricultural and forestry ecological management, and etc.










II. Requirements for Graduation

Students are required to have all-round development, high ethical, moral and humanistic values, and a proper code of conduct. Students are supposed to grasp the basic theoretical knowledge in ecology and biology, a good foundation in mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as humanities and social sciences, and to have received adequate training in innovative thinking and scientific research in ecology related areas including fundamental research, data analysis and application. They are also expected to master basic disciplinary knowledge and ecological theories, develop high scientific and ecological expertise, and have moderate teaching and research abilities. Graduates should acquire the following qualities and abilities:

① Having high political and moral values, lofty pursuit in humanities and scientific research, high esteem in physical labor, professionalism and social responsibility;

② Having solid foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer, and English language; mastery of basic theories and professional knowledge related to ecology and of practical skills about agricultural and forestry ecological management and ecological agriculture planning; awareness of ecological development, research frontier, heated topics and development trends;

③ Having good professional and practical skills; comprehensive expertise; ability to solve complex problems; ability to conduct comprehensive analysis and research on complex problems in agriculture and ecological environment; ability to work out and express scientific solutions;

④ Having strong capabilities of information acquisition and data analysis; strong ability in applying modern information technology and tools to solve practical problems in ecology;

⑤ Having broad global horizon; understanding the international ecological trends; showing concern about global ecological and environmental issues and respect for the differences and diversity of the world’s cultures;

⑥ Having the mindset of lifelong learning and the capability of self-management and self-learning, and the ability to adjust to both social and personal sustainable development through continuous study.


学    制:4年


III. Academic Structure and Degree

Duration: Four years

Degree: Bachelor of Science conferred by HZAU; Bachelor of Science conferred by LU



IV. Core Disciplines

Ecology and Biology



V. Core Curriculum

Biological Science, Fundamentals of Ecology, Introduction to Earth and Ecological Science, Biological Diversity, Field Ecological Methods, Applied Ecology and Conservation, Agroecology, Global Change Ecology, Ecological Design and Planning


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传真:027-87396057 邮编:430070

版权所有 华中农业大学林肯大学联合学院